Speaker Name

Dr Uma Ladiwala Speaker

Dr. Uma Ladiwala (M.D.) has been a basic scientific researcher in the field of neuro-immunology and worked in renowned institutions in Sweden (Karolinska) and Canada (Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal) as well as in India (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) before establishing her lab as Principal Investigator at the new UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences in Mumbai. Her primary areas of research included the neuro-immunology of multiple sclerosis and studies on brain stem cells. She has several publications in reputed international journals. She was also simultaneously involved, for many years, in school science teacher training. Post-retirement, she does art and painting, and conducts workshops in free art expression as well as science communication, for groups.

A leaning towards spirituality in her younger years and an avid interest in trekking in the Himalayas, led her to meet Swami Brahmavidanandji in the Rishikesh Ashram and which sparked explorations in understanding Indian scriptures, including Vedanta